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Brightspace Integration

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Please Note: MimioConnect partners with EdLink to provide SSO Integration. Completing the Brightspace integration process requires a Brightspace Administrator. If you do not have access to the Manage Extensibility option within the settings menu in Brightspace then you will not be able to complete this process. Please reach out to the appropriate system admin at your institution and ask them to complete these steps.

Register a New Application

Edlink connects through the Brightspace API to provide seamless experiences for teacher and students. In order to do so, you need to register a new application (even when you wish to leverage Edlink’s LTI capabilities). Here are the steps required to do so:

  1. Log into your school or university Brightspace account.
  2. Navigate to the Manage Extensibility page by clicking on the option in the settings menu.
  3. Click the OAuth 2.0 tab and then select the blue button to Register an App.
  4. Fill out the form with the following details (all other fields should remain blank):
    • Application Name – Edlink
    • Redirect URI –
    • Scope – content:completions:read,write content:modules:read content:toc:read content:topics:read,write core:*:* enrollment:orgunit:read grades:*:* role:detail:* users:userdata:read
    • Prompt for User Consent – False (Uncheck this box)
    • Enable Refresh Tokens – True (Check this box)
    • Non-commercial Developer – True (Check this box)
  5. Click Register to complete the process.


Complete the Integration

Contact us for the URL you require to register for an Edlink account, or sign in if you already have an Edlink account.

You will see the following screen.

When you get to the Sources page, select “Brightspace” from the dropdown. You will see the following form:

Source Nickname – Create a nickname that your students and teachers will recognize. This name can be something like “Brightspace” or “My School’s Brightspace”. It does not have to be anything in particular, but it should be familiar to your users.

Schoology Domain – The domain that you visit when you want to access Brightspace. Typically, this will be something like or

Client ID – Copy and paste the Client ID that we created during the step above.

Client Secret – Copy and paste the Client Secret that we created during the step above. Please be careful that you copy the entire secret. Any missing characters will result in an inability for Edlink to connect. It is extremely important that you do not share this secret key with anyone else.

Administrator Account – This is the final step and ensures that you have completed everything else successfully.

  • Click the Connect button on the right side of the box.
  • Log into your Brightspace account. You may already be logged in, in which case, skip to the next step.
  • Brightspace may prompt you to authorize Edlink. Click the blue “Authorize” button.
  • Upon authorization, Brightspace will send you back to Edlink and the box will change to say “Account Connected”.

You are now finished and can click the black “Connect Source” button at the bottom of the screen.

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